Welcome to PEPP, the Programme in European Private Law for Postgraduates.

PEPP is dedicated to imparting knowledge in a highly concentrated form. Each year’s programme delivers four weeks of intense and demanding training in four different environments. All courses are taught by academics and practitioners of high standing, who specialise in EU private law and lead sessions which focus on the core of their expertise.

Boost your competences and experience European Private Law (in the) making!

Get a scholarship for four lively and intense weeks of avant-garde learning at four excellent European universities.

The PEPP round in 2024/2025 will take place in

  • Münster (21st October - 26th October 2024)

  • Katowice/Krakow (13th - 18th January 2025)

  • Leuven (17th - 22nd March 2025)

  • Genova (19th - 24th May 2025)

Further information see here ...

Mar 29, 2024

The programme for the PEPP-week in Cambridge (19.03.-22.03.) is now available here.

Jan 23, 2024

The second week of PEPP took place from January 15th to January 19th in the city of Maribor, Slovenia. Its academic programme consisted of insightful lectures as well as two interactive workshops. In addition to that, the first group of participants presented their doctoral research and benefited from lively legal debates that followed. Among the highlights of the week was a daytrip to Ljubljana with visits to the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators and the Slovenian constitutional court, where the PEPPers had the opportunity to engage in a discussion with the court's president. An exciting social programme that included sightseeing, nights out and a wine tasting completed the experience. After this eventful week, everyone is already looking forward to meeting again in March in Cambridge.


(click on photo to see more images)

Jan 15, 2024

The programme for the PEPP-week in Maribor (15.01. - 19.01.) is now available here.

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